Partner Onlus
The CIOFS Scuola develops the professionalism of the staff employed in associated educational institutions and other educational institutions. It is accredited by the MIUR for teacher training.
The CIOFS Scuola FMA was born in the context of the Reforms affecting the world of schools, at the end of the 90s. It is promoted by the legal body C.I.O.F.S. (Italian Center for Salesian Women’s Works), recognized by D.P.R. 1105 of 20 October 1967 modified with Presidential Decree of 28 July 1969, n ° 635.
It is a National Association accredited by MIUR for the training of school staff (Ministerial Decree No. 177/2000), with Ministerial Decree of 6/12/2004 and according to the ministerial directive 170/2016. It is certified for training at Accredia, Sector EA 37 by AGIQUALITAS with n.190001 for compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Assurance standards applicable to: “Design, programming, implementation of the training and professional updating service with a view to research and experimentation in the education and training system “.
The CIOFS Scuola FMA intends to develop, from the perspective of prevention, the educational commitment – the heart of the Salesian mission – drawing inspiration from Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. It pursues institutional purposes of education and training, training and updating, research within the educational-school system, coordination and training of management, teaching and non-teaching staff. It works in synergy with the Italian FMA schools of all levels, never losing sight of the changing demands of the socio-cultural context, the professional training needs of young people, dialogue with current culture and interaction with agencies. who deal, in whatever capacity, with the situation of young people. It is careful to strengthening the Christian and Salesian identity and to fostering the synthesis of faith – culture and life, trying to best develop all the potential of the person in a clear project of personal life and full social citizenship.
We are not a school but a “NETWORK” of schools throughout the country.
We are not only competent teachers, but an educating community committed to the growth of approximately 26,000 pupils.
We are not an educational island but a reality that interacts, collaborates and involves families.