Telethon Foundation and Meedox, together for the project “Andare Lontano” (Go Far)
Telethon Foundation has been supporting people affected by rare genetic diseases for more than 30 years, funding the best biomedical research projects aimed at understanding rare diseases, their diagnosis, identification and application of therapies, through the improvement of quality of life of patients.
Allowing people who face a rare genetic disease every day to be protagonists in their own lives and to go far away is a mission for which everyone’s commitment is needed, because everyone has the right to achieve the main goals in life.
Like Sonia, who thanks to her strength of mind and the assistance received in the NeMo clinical centers managed to overcome the difficulties imposed by type 3 spinal muscular atrophy (Sma 3) to continue working, cultivating her passions and living the joy of becoming a mother.

Meedox’s adhesion to the Andare Lontano” (Go Far) project takes the form of support for the Telethon Foundation, to make a concrete contribution to the progress of research and allow many families to build their own future.
By choosing Telethon, Meedox will donate a portion of the amount paid by the user for the subscription and for each renewal of the subscription to research on rare genetic diseases. The user will not have to add anything more than what she has already decided to pay for the Meedox Premium.