Since 1968, CIAI has been working to ensure that all children, boys and girls, are guaranteed equal rights all around the world. We have been doing it through international adoption and cooperation projects against educational poverty and discrimination.
CIAI was born in 1968, founded by a group of families who believed in the idea – revolutionary for the time – that a child in a real state of abandonment, coming from any part of the world could be welcomed in any way as a son.
Since then, as an authorized body for international adoptions and a non-governmental organization, we have never stopped promoting the right of every boy and girl to the love of a family. CIAI has also expanded its field of action, always keeping the safeguarding of the rights of the most vulnerable children at the center, working to ensure their protection, social inclusion, psycho-emotional well-being and educational opportunities.

Today, CIAI’s action is mainly aimed at situations of fragility present in Italy, with projects to combat educational poverty and school dropout; we provide psychological support to the most vulnerable; we also realize actions in support of indipendence and inclusion for migrant minors and foreign mothers at risk of marginalization.